We encourage you not to dismiss lightly the possibility of finding a “secular” support group. SECULAR (Not explicitly Christian) RESOURCES Spanish language network of Christian twelve step groups. is dedicated to helping any individual or institution in Reaching Out to a Hurting World while enabling true Recovery in Christ. Large network of 12 Step groups that ‘bridge’ between the Christian community and the recovery community.Ī Christian ministry dedicated to helping men, women and families overcome sexual addiction. German-language Christian twelve step groups. Network of 12 step groups in the Philadelphia area. It began at Watermark Community Church in Dallas, TX. Re:Generation is a biblically-based 12-step discipleship program for healing, recovery and freedom from any type of struggle. Offers a Bible-based curriculum for support groups and a growing network of groups. There is no common format for group process.Ī ministry of Saddleback Valley Community Church. They meet mostly in local churches, but also in institutions, including some rescue missions. There are currently more than 125 groups. counseling centers, and other institutions. There are a number of meetings in prisons, county jails, rehab centers. Today Alcoholics for Christ has over 100 open groups meeting nationwide. Here is a list of distinctively Christian 12 step networks: Remember that a church which you would not consider attending regularly may nevertheless have a support group ministry which is well suited to your needs. If you do not know of any church-based ministries, however, don’t hesitate to start by phoning the larger congregations in your community. The best referrals to groups will come from someone you know who is already a member of a group. It can be hard work sometimes – but you are worth it! You are a precious, lovable, fallable child of God, a unique and irreplaceable treasure! You are worth all the hard work. Learn to distrust the inner voice that says “I can’t change” or “I’m not getting it right” or “my problems are so different from everyone elses” or “I’m not getting better fast enough”. Keep coming back! We all have times when it just doesn’t seem like it’s helping. You have a right to know the ‘rules of the game’.
If there are no written group guidelines which establish confidentiality as an requirement for all group participants, ask questions. You can take the next step in your own recovery even in less than optimal circumstances. It does not mean that group participation is a bad idea for you. There will be probably be stuff that is unhelpful in any group. But a good support group can offer a safe evironment to try out the new skills you are learning, allow you to learn from the experience, strength and hope of others and support you as you take the next step in your recovery.
There are things a support cannot do: It cannot do your recovery for you. There is nothing magical about the support group process – it is a tool, but we have to use the tool. Plan on it taking some time for you to figure out what is appropriate. The dynamics of support groups are usually quite different from the dynamics of other kinds of groups (like discussion groups or Bible study groups), so don’t assume you already know the social norms. Initial reactions are just too complex to be your only guide about this. Some people suggest that it takes attending 6-8 times before you can really know whether it’s a good fit. Try to postpone reaching any conclusions about whether or not a particular group will be helpful until you have attended several meetings of the group.
We do, however, want to assist you in finding a support group that will help you in your recovery and we hope that the material provided here will give you a good start.Ī few words of wisdom about committing to participation in a support group: The National Association for Christian Recovery is a network of individuals – not a network of support groups. And it can be a powerful way to experience God’s love and attentiveness to us.
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It doesn’t happen all at once – most of us have learned how to stay isolated even when we are in groups! But it can happen. Participating in a support group can begin to reduce that isolation. Isolation is one of the most powerful and damaging effects of addiction and abuse. For many of us, finding a support group has been the single most important step we have taken in our recovery.